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Saturday, March 07, 2020

Gold, and Too Much Excitement

Here is a tale about a guy who got a bit too excited on finding a tiny nugget of gold.

I was prospecting a club claim near Rye, Arizona. I had dug about 12 inches down and came into some heavy black sand. While panning down to the heaviest sand I saw a small pebble-sized piece of quartz. It was very translucent. Picking it out of the pan and looking at it, the sun just hit it at the right angle and I got a terrible flash to the eye. Then I saw a tiny pin point bit of gold in a bit of a crack in the quartz.

On further examination it became clear that there might be more gold in that crack. I waved over it with my metal detector and by golly it went off registering gold. This was the first gold I had ever found in quartz.

I went back to the camp ground to show my wife. After she acknowledged that she could see that tiny speck of gold, I decided to sit down and pass the time at camp. But then I realized something.

If I had found a quartz chip with gold at only 6 inches, I should go back and pan that area. Strange how excitement can interfere with your thought processes.

After panning down to 2 feet and a bit of the adjacent area, I wound up finding some small placer.

So here is the moral of the story, if you find a small chip, don't abandon ship!

"Don't you long for something different to happen, something so exciting and new it carries you along with it like a great tide" - Juliet Marillier, Son of the Shadows

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