window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-RYWWR4VG82'); Golden Legends Tales of Buried Treasure: Second Mammoth Bull Snake Encountered Near Superior, Arizona!

Monday, June 12, 2023

Second Mammoth Bull Snake Encountered Near Superior, Arizona!

This is just a heads up for anyone prospecting for gold in Arizona. Today I was out scouring the desert and ran across (no I didn't run over him/it/she) a bull snake.

The photo I took wasn't saved to my cell phone? But it was the second huge bull snake lying across a dirt road this month sunning itself with its tongue wagging as I approached. 

Usually the snakes seem to end hybernating by sometime in March (my observation).  This is the second huge bull snake I have come across this month (June). I suspect that rattlers are also coming out of their holes. 

It is my belief that these critters are confused about the mild spring we have had in Arizona. And if the bulls are confused, maybe the rattle snakes are also? Anyway, my advice is to be on the lookout for Mr. Rattler, make noise as you walk through the desert, and if possible, wear snake guards.

Good luck on your adventures!

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