window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-RYWWR4VG82'); Golden Legends Tales of Buried Treasure: Ted Binion, His Disputable Death, Including Dateline Coverage of His Silver Cache

Saturday, September 02, 2023

Ted Binion, His Disputable Death, Including Dateline Coverage of His Silver Cache

Ted Binion was a wealthy heir to a casino and has been dead for 20 years. Mr. Binion definitely had a

silver stash. After his death, it was discovered by Nye County sheriff's deputies. It was discovered that

Binion had had a 12-foot-deep vault built on the desert floor on a piece of property he owned in 

Pahrump, 60 miles west of Las Vegas. The concrete bunker contained six tons of silver 

bullion, Horseshoe Casino chips, paper currency, and more than 100,000 rare coins, 

including Carson City silver dollars, many in mint condition.

At 55, it is said that Binion was murdered by a girlfriend. At the time (1998) his silver hoard was worth 

several millions. In 2023, you can figure out that it is worth a walloping more.

Binion hid millions in and around his Las Vegas home, all of which went missing after his death.

The riches are rumored to be buried on the property under odd mounds in the front and back yards. 

At the conclusion of the trial, much of Binion's silver was given to his daughter who had some of 

it offered for sale to the public. A large portion still remains unclaimed at the courthouse.

If you want to read an in-depth article on this character, see Ted Binion - Wikipedia

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