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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Gold Searchers of Southern Nevada Have Some Great Gold Prospecting Advice on First Aid and Supplies

Nevada Desert Courtesy of Pixabay

This information was taken from:
Gold Searchers of Southern Nevada, Inc.
P.O. Box 96732
Las Vegas NV, 89193 – 6732
Phone: (702) 897-2437
 I thought this might be of use since I recently put together a special first aid pack for myself. I have found that band aids and anti-biotic ointment are most frequently used.
Personal Info
1. Keep personal information with you
    A. As for medications, Dosages,
    B. List of information for yourself
2. never go alone
3. gps device
4. knife
5. water
6. walkie talkie and/or cell phone
7. compass (in case of NOT having a GPS
8. pen and notepad
9. lunch basket (energy bars)
10. Hiking boots
11. dressing in layers
12. fanny pack
First aid:
1. splint kit
2. snake bite kit
3. aspirin, ibuprofen (Tylenol)
4. gauze
5. burn gel
6. band aids (ACE Bandage)
Personal Items and Information:

1. Keep personal information with you.
   A. As for medications, Dosages,
   B. List of information for yourself
2. Never go alone.





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