window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-RYWWR4VG82'); Golden Legends Tales of Buried Treasure: Sixes, Georgia, Another Gold Mining Town in History

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Sixes, Georgia, Another Gold Mining Town in History

Some of the earliest gold finds in the United States were in the great state of Georgia. At the eastern shore of Allatoona Lake in Cherokee County (a reservoir created by the corps of engineers). Established in 1820'after gold miners pushed the Cherokee from their home, the town of Sixes was named after Fort Hinar Sixes (where the Trail of Tears began).

The mine was started in 1819 and was one of the first gold mines in Georgia. The town of Sixes grew. The 1820's saw an increased interest in the gold mine and the town grew more. The 1830s and 40s saw structures such as a gristmill, several general stores, a church and a school house being built. As is a common story to the boom miner town, a decline began in the 1850's when miners moved on to better fortunes.

Railroads reached the town in 1878, but development never took off to match its old prosperous self. Today only the mill remains as the sign of the existence of the town.

For a little more info, see,_Georgia

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