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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Finland's Lemminkäinen, Treasure of Gems and Gold, May Soon Be Discovered in Summer 2022

Since 1987, a team known as the Temple Twelve have scoured Finland searching for the Lemminkainen Hoard. It supposedly consists of gold, jewels and artifacts. They may be on the cusp of finding the largest treasure hoard in the world. It may be worth $20 billion dollars U.S.

Reported by Jon Rogers on November 2, 2021, the hoard may be the most valuable stash ever found on planet Earth. The treasure hunting group spends summers searching for treasure. Their day consists of 6 hours of digging and exploring seven days per week.

About 50,000 gemstones including rubies, sapphires, emeralds and diamonds are thought to be in the hoard. Dating back millennia, 1,000 artifacts are thought to be just a portion of the hoard - and this includes many 18-carat gold life-size statues.

Members of the group have traveled from all over the world, including Russia, Australia, the US, Sweden, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands, to join in the hunt. It is indeed an international group. Folks from around the world have joined the hunt. Russia, Australia, Sweden, Germany, Norway, the U.S. and the Netherlands are all hope to snare this trophy treasure find. 

Carl Borgen, a global leader with respect to the Lemminkainen Hoard enumerated many of the hunters of the Lemminkainen Hoard. Their lives are depicted in his book, “Temporarily Insane.” According to Borgen important progress has been made in the discovery of the temple while the investigating crew are very positive about what may lie in months ahead.

Landowner Ior Bock claimed in 1984 that his family were direct descendants of Lemminkäinen, who appear in Finnish pagan mythology. It is at this time that he claimed the existence of this fantastical cache. "Bock claimed the chamber on his estate had been sealed up with stone slabs in the 10th century to protect the treasure from invaders." As horrifying as it sounds, Bock who was crippled after being knifed in 1999, was reportedly killed by assistants in 2010. All of this, if true, lends one to believe that the prospect of unheard of wealth can turn helpers into murderers.

People searching for treasure are sometimes characterized as odd, perhaps even eccentric. As a local figure he was seen as a “mystic” and worked as a tour guide at the island fortress of Suomenlinna. Born in 1942, his claim was that his family line was descended from ancient pagan times. Furthermore, he claimed that his family was represented in a graphical way in the Bock sagas. 

It’s thought the hoard is hidden somewhere in the Sibbosberg cave system, 20 miles east of the Finnish capital, Helsinki. The stash is believed to be located in an underground temple in Sipoo. Inside the temple, there is reputed to be a spiraling hallway with small rooms extending off. It is here that the stash is stored.

The last time the collection was accumulated was around 970 AD. It is rumored that this is when the hall was filled. Like all good wealth stockers with an eye to recovering riches, the entrance was sealed and hidden.

For the last 30 years, gold explorers have been trying to locate the treasure. Those explorations have involved more that 100 prospectors. The latest group believes it is meters from discovering this astonishing treasure. 

Summer 2022 could be when the mother load of Finland is revealed!!

Sipoo, Finland

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