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Sunday, October 01, 2023

Dillinger Gang (Accused of Robbing 24 Banks), May Still Have Buried Unfound Jewels

 John Dillinger, a renowned American gangster, spent the spring of 1934 hiding out at the   Little Bohemia Lodge close to Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin. The FBI officers attacked the lodge after receiving a phone call that gave them the gang's location; nevertheless, they got into a shootout with Dillinger and his men.

 Dillinger reportedly fled out the back door while everyone was scrambling, carrying a suitcase full of $20,000 in little bills. According to folklore, he buried the luggage in the Lodge's backyard. The buried jewels are still in Wisconsin as he was shot three months later in Chicago. 

If you want a really interesting piece, see

If you would like to read about Baby Face Nelson, Dillinger's plastic surgery, escapes from Crown Point, Indiana, Lincoln Court Apartments shootout, Dr. Clayton E. May, Little Bohemia Escape, Chicago Engagements, Biograph Theatre and much more, click the link above.

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