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Sunday, June 09, 2024

A Free Treasure Chest of Videos: Saving Money the Easy Way

I have selected videos from my channel that can help you save precious money. Hope you enjoy.

Making sailing boat models out of waste. See what a good one will cost you today, and avoid the disappointment. This can be a source of your treasure.

Replicas and crafted wall-hangings made from waste. Recycled material can give you delightful and inexpensive stuff to hang.

Recycling plastic efficiently can yield more money. Save space and crush faster and you will see the difference in pay.

Walking sticks from Desert Spoon. Free. Make them from desert stalks that simply fall to the ground. Use Apache tears/obsidian  to decorate. Learn how for free.

Miniature toys and pendants can be made for nearly nothing. DIY references are in the description.

Lead is free at shooting ranges. Same thing goes for brass shell casings. Watch how to make lead ingots from free lead.

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