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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Lost Mormon Gold Somewhere in the Uinta Mountains Is Still Dreamed of by Adventurers

                                                                                          Brigham Young, 1837 - 1867

Brigham Young, the leader of the Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) is the main character in a gold treasure story. He is the fellow for whom the university (Brigham Young University) was named. He led his people from their home base in Illinois (Navarro) to Utah in 1846 to Utah. In the Salt Lake Valley they escaped religious persecution. To what extent they were persecuted is up to historians, but certainly they sought religious freedom.  

A few years later, when gold was discovered in California (1849), Brigham Young and the Mormons decided not to prospect for gold. It was something folks all over the United States were rushing to find.

Their religious beliefs forbade them from lusting after gold and riches. However, elders decided that seeking gold and riches was not a sin if it was used to help the religious community thrive. How religious beliefs become doctrine is another question all together.

The Mormon Church acquired as many as forty goldmines in Utah’s Uinta Mountains. Fearing persecution, Brigham Young decided that his flock would keep all the gold they found in a vault hidden in the Bloomington Cave. The yield from the forty goldmines would be stored in this cave, one of Utah’s largest cave systems.

There has not been acknowledgement of finding the cave with the gold. Bloomington Cave is located outside St. George, Utah. 

Although gold is fascinating, the history of Brigham Young and the Mormons is also fascinating. See

Brigham Young ‑ Biography, Facts, Conflicts

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