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Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Hidden Treasure Story: Boy Discovers Brass Shell Casing with Three Gold Coins from 1899

 Amidst the harshness of the Great Depression, circa 1935, Travis embarked on a desperate quest in the arid expanse of the desert, searching for brass shell casings. The few pennies earned from recycling these finds would be a lifeline for his struggling mother, Clara.

A gentle rain the night before had left the sandy desert floor dotted with tiny dimples. Travis relished these moments; the rain washed the dust off the brass, making it a strong juxtaposition to the sand. In one of these dimples, a greenish-blue object with a hint of brass caught his eye.

Excitement surged through him as he brushed the earth away. The blue-grey stain over the cylindrical shape revealed striations of golden brass beneath. Hand-digging for about three feet, Travis uncovered what appeared to be an artillery shell, its oxidized brass unmistakable.

Standing to stretch, he admired the cottonwoods lining a nearby arroyo, their leaves shimmering like coins in the sunlight. The desert, with its hidden treasures, seemed to promise a reprieve from the relentless struggle. With renewed vigor, he dug six inches more, finally uncovering the tarnished brass cylinder — a tank artillery shell casing marked 37-85 RIA (Rock Island Arsenal) and the American broad arrow, denoting government property.

American broad arrow

Holding the aged brass horizontally, Travis carefully brushed off the dirt. The shell, three feet long and four inches wide, was a valuable find. At 10-15 cents per pound, it would fetch a decent price in town.

As he continued his quest, and lowered his arm, a sudden plop and ring caught his attention. There, in a small pile of sand, lay three pristine gold coins, each bearing the date 1899. Quivering with anticipation, Travis examined the coins closely, his heart racing with the hope that they might be genuine gold. He ended his search for metals and headed home.

As he handed his mom the three $2.50 gold coins, time seemed to freeze. Clara gasped, her hands trembling as she took the shimmering coins. The room filled with an almost palpable energy. Her eyes welled up with tears, overwhelmed by a wave of disbelief and gratitude. The golden gleam of the coins under the dim light symbolized not just a temporary reprieve from their financial struggles, but also a glimmer of hope for a more secure future. Those coins wound up being worth $58 each in 2023 dollars.

Excitedly, she decided to take the coins to the town's only jeweler to verify their worth. The jeweler, an elderly man with a sharp eye for detail, examined the coins meticulously. He nodded approvingly and confirmed their authenticity, adding that they were indeed pure gold and quite valuable.

Relieved and overjoyed, Clara walked back home with a lighter heart. She began planning how to use this unexpected windfall—paying off debts, buying enough food for the winter, and maybe even saving a bit for the future. As she entered her modest home, she carefully placed the coins in a small, hidden drawer for safekeeping.

A loud knock on the door startled them. It was the jeweler, holding a small envelope in his hand. Clara's heart skipped a beat. The original owner, a reclusive millionaire, had passed away without any heirs. The state had been searching for the lost fortune for years. According to the law, since Clara found them and reported them, she was entitled to a substantial reward for her honesty — worth far more than the coins' value. All she had to do was fill out a claim form and submit it at the county seat. She had been flabbergasted to suddenly have $7.50 face value (worth $174 in today's money.) But now, she would enjoy the equivalent of today's $1740!

In the end, Clara received a reward ten times greater than the gold coins' worth. What started as a desperate daily regimen of worry had been transformed to a day of hope.

Little did Travis know, the gold coins were part of a hidden treasure trove, buried by a robber who never returned to his hoard. This unexpected windfall would change the course of their lives, providing not just financial relief but also the promise of a brighter future. From that day on, Travis would remember the cottonwoods with their green coinage-like leaves wavering in the breeze. He would never view a brass shell casing the same way.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

DIY Winchester Rifle Replicas, Treasures: A Complete How-To Guide

The short rifle, a cowboy's favorite, was easy to carry in a horse-mounted sling and could be drawn and fired while riding. Though it might have lacked the long-barreled accuracy of its relatives, its convenience and other features made it a popular choice. The rifle’s magazine held 15 rounds and provided a cool grip, a clear advantage over earlier Henry models.

The Winchester 1873: The Gun That Won the West

Known as “the gun that won the West,” the Winchester 1873, along with the Winchester Model 1866, was treasured by cowboys, outlaws, peace officers, and soldiers alike. Native Americans, too, valued the Winchester highly, often paying a premium for it. An Apache saying from Arizona goes, "It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand."

Materials Needed

Computer and printer

Photo to replicate


8 1/2" x 11" typing paper or graph paper

Pen or pencil

Brown or white wrapping paper

Wood slab



Walnut wood stain

Mounting supplies

Instructions for Building a Non-Firing Replica Model

Find a Photo to Replicate: Start with finding a photo of a Winchester rifle that you like. Import it to a paint or photo program on your computer, ensuring it prints out close to 10" long in landscape mode.

Cut it Out: Carefully cut out the printed photo along the gun's perimeter. This will be your pattern for tracing to a larger image.

Draw the Grid: On white 8 1/2" x 11" typing paper, draw a grid with 3/4" x 3/4" squares (14 vertical columns, nine horizontal rows). Copy the small grid pattern onto the larger wrapping paper grid with 1 3/8" x 1 3/8" squares.

Transfer the Sketch: Use your small sketch to transfer the rifle's segments to the larger wrapping paper grid. Adjust any miscalculations as you go.

Cut the Replica: Cut along the traced perimeter of your replica-sized copy (about 22" long).

Trace and Cut the Wood: Outline the carbine onto a wood slab and use a scroll saw to cut along the outline. If you don't have a scroll saw, a saber saw or coping saw can work too.

Smooth the Edges: Use a grinder or sandpaper to smooth out any irregularities in the wood.

Finishing Touches

Stain the edges and front face with walnut wood stain. Apply glue and sawdust to any errors to ensure they absorb the stain.

Mount the cutout on a separate board for a 3D effect using Gorilla Glue. Use picture hanging wire for easy suspension.

A Few Famous 19th-Century Lever-Action Repeaters

Among the iconic 19th-century repeaters are the Marlin 1895, Savage Model 99, Winchester 1894, Winchester 1886, Winchester 1873, Henry Model 1860 Rifle, Winchester 1866, and the Spencer.

Repeating Rifle Evolution

The concept of repeating rifles dates back to the 17th century with the expensive Cookson repeater. Mass production began towards the end of the American Civil War, with the Winchester Model 1866 becoming a favorite in the West among cowboys and military personnel. Repeating rifles, notably the Winchester 1866, played a significant role in Arizona's development, particularly among the Arizona Rangers.

The Winchester 1866's popularity was due to its .44 caliber rimfire ammunition, later converted to centerfire, making it suitable for both pistols and long guns—convenient and economical.

The Winchester 1866 is not only a marvel in terms of exterior elegance but also in its ingenious internal workings, making it a must-have for any Old West enthusiast.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Lost Mormon Gold Somewhere in the Uinta Mountains Is Still Dreamed of by Adventurers

                                                                                          Brigham Young, 1837 - 1867

Brigham Young, the leader of the Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) is the main character in a gold treasure story. He is the fellow for whom the university (Brigham Young University) was named. He led his people from their home base in Illinois (Navarro) to Utah in 1846 to Utah. In the Salt Lake Valley they escaped religious persecution. To what extent they were persecuted is up to historians, but certainly they sought religious freedom.  

A few years later, when gold was discovered in California (1849), Brigham Young and the Mormons decided not to prospect for gold. It was something folks all over the United States were rushing to find.

Their religious beliefs forbade them from lusting after gold and riches. However, elders decided that seeking gold and riches was not a sin if it was used to help the religious community thrive. How religious beliefs become doctrine is another question all together.

The Mormon Church acquired as many as forty goldmines in Utah’s Uinta Mountains. Fearing persecution, Brigham Young decided that his flock would keep all the gold they found in a vault hidden in the Bloomington Cave. The yield from the forty goldmines would be stored in this cave, one of Utah’s largest cave systems.

There has not been acknowledgement of finding the cave with the gold. Bloomington Cave is located outside St. George, Utah. 

Although gold is fascinating, the history of Brigham Young and the Mormons is also fascinating. See

Brigham Young ‑ Biography, Facts, Conflicts

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Nuggets of Gold, Cristalline Gold in California!

 What a great video! In Plymouth California, this interviewer finds a longtime metal detectorist who has found over $3,000,000 worth of gold - and without power tools.


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

A Millionaire Who Couldn't Get Enough Gold in 1933 - Leon Trabuco

A Mexican millionaire and government official during the Great Depression of the 1930's, Leon Trabuco imagined himself going down in history as one of the richest men in the world. To make more money than he already had, he decided to buy up tons of gold and cashing in when the price went up. He ended up with 16 tons - gold bars, coins and jewelry that he kept at his foundry in Mexico.

Since gold was more valuable in the U.S., he wanted a place there where he could transport the gold. He would hide it in the United States with hopes of recovering it later as the price approached his desired level. In 1933 Trabuco had Red Mosier, a pilot fly to Farmington, New Mexico. Mosier ended up making 16 flights to Farmington with the gold.

From Farmington, Trabuco planned to ship all the gold by truck to his secret spot. Supposedly, the burial spot was near the Ute and Navajo Indian Reservations in New Mexico. Unfortunately, the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 was enacted. Possession of gold was then illegal thanks to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Talk about a backfire! At this point all of the gold flown in and buried in the desert had no value.

Eventually, Trabuco and his partners all died taking the secret burial spot to their graves. Later a man by the name of Ed Foster is said to have searched for Trabuco’s lost gold for 35 years. Mr. Foster claimed that he found the landing strip that Red Mosier had used to land his airplane with gold shipments on. He also claims he found a Mexican-style home twenty miles west of Mesa Verde.

Foster also claims he found an outcropping of rocks with the words 1933 and "sixteen tons carved into it." I think 1933 may be carved at a number of old Arizona mine sites due to the mining venture was useless at that point. I have seen a different one myself. The outcropping above he called Shrine Rock. He believes that somewhere in between outcropping, landing strip, and Mesa Verde the treasure is buried or maybe possibly hidden in a cave. Anyone who finds it may be very surprised at the value of the hoard. 

Here is a super video on the Trabuco treasure (redirect works) -

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Peril in the Silver Veins: Tales of 1869 Arizona Miners- Harshaw, Arizona

 Here is my latest addition to an 1869 short fiction adventure in Arizona. Forgive me if it doesn't match something about gold prospecting. But this story is about 1869 Hashaw, Az. This area produced a lot of silver! My story incorporates history of the period. I have written 3 episodes, and you can read all of them, for free. My investigations into gold discoveries will continue. Thanks for your patronage. :)

An Old Time Arizona Silver Mining Pioneer Adventure - HubPages

Jack and Nell start a new life away from the old Eastern extremes and pray for a good life of peace. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Burying Their Stagecoach Thievery: Jesse and Frank James Hiding $32000 in Arkansas

Robbing many banks, stagecoaches, and trains are what Jesse and Frank James are well known for in the Wild West. The stories alone have allowed people to let their imaginations run wild and ruminate about possible buried treasure.

On January 15, 1874, the gang held up a stagecoach at the intersection of old Malvern Road and Gulpha creek south of Hot Springs, Arkansas. According to reports, the James gang made off with $32,000 in cash and jewelry from the passengers. That was worth $881,920 in today's money.

They buried the stolen goods and found a sandstone rock in which they carved their names and the amount of money that was to be buried. They also carved 3 figures of a cross, a bowie knife, and a 3-pronged fork. 

Frank said later that they never did return to find the stolen loot.

Jesse and Frank James.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

The 10 Best Treasure Seeking Books to Read

 I want to let you in on the best treasure hunting story book out there. 

25 Real-:Life Treasure Hunts That Turned Up Millions in Loot

The Treasure of San Jose Lay Undiscovered for Hundreds of Years (And It's Worth Billions)

Lake Toplitz In Austrie Is Believed to Hold the Lost Treasure from World War II

When the Nuestra Senora De Las Mercedes Sank, It sank with A hoard of Gold and Silver

The SS Gairsoppa Was Carrying Thousands of Silver Bars And Made One Salvage Team Very Rich

The Belitung Shipwreck Contained the Singler Largest Amount of tang Dynasty Artifacts Every Found.

A Couple Found A Box of Gems in The Backyard of Their Home -- and They Returned It to The Rightful Owners

Divers Found More Than 20000 Gold Coins off The Coas of Caesarcea 

The Ayocha Was Carrying An Impressive Collection Before It Was 'Sunk by A Hurricane.

Valuables Were Found When The Royal Hanuman Dhoka Palace Was Being Renovated

For 25 Stories, see

"The Legacy of Legendary Treasure Hunts: From Kit Williams' Masquerade to Forrest Fenn's Epic Chase"

 Crypto millionaire John Collins-Black, a California man, hid more than $2,000,000 in 5 boxes across the United States. It wasn't the fi...